Sharing Our Story: ClimateHound Sits Down with Consuming the Craft

The ClimateHound Team
Sep 28, 2022
1 min read

On a recent visit from Austin to Asheville, ClimateHound founder and CEO Palmer Fox was excited to meet Jeffrey “Puff” Irvin, director of the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast. When Palmer walked into Jeff’s office on the A-BTech campus, he knew that this would be no ordinary meeting: along with a traditional desk, this faculty member had a bar and bar stools! Within minutes, and quite unexpectedly, Puff had mic’d Palmer and started interviewing him for Consuming the Craft, a podcast about the beverage industry. 

“It was an honor to sit down with Puff, he is truly a pioneer in craft beverage education,” says Palmer. In addition to running the institute, Puff founded A-B Tech’s two-year accredited degree in brewing, fermentation, and distillation – the first of its kind in the country. Puff’s own academic resume is impressive, from his studies in biology at Iowa State to his certification through the master brewers program at UC Davis. He shares his knowledge with students in the A-B Tech program, who can go to work at breweries, wineries, and distilleries across Asheville and around the country with a great foundation. 

Podcaster Puff Irvin and CEO Palmer Fox discuss the ClimateHound vision: helping the food and beverage industry to become a community dedicated to making a difference for the planet.

In their Consuming the Craft episode, Palmer and Puff talk about Palmer’s path from studying environmental design in architecture to craft cocktails to environmental entrepreneurship, and they discuss the ClimateHound vision: helping the food and beverage industry to become a community dedicated to making a difference for the planet. 

Bonus content: Palmer and Puff taste a beet-based spirit out of Colorado, and Palmer reminisces about his days in college radio. Check it out at the links below!

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